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LaSalle Small Coast Waterfront Experience
The LaSalle Small Coast Waterfront Experience, located along the Heritage Detroit River, will be a connected, multi-amenity environment that offers the community an expanded, year round destination. It will be an authentic site that captures the rich history and culture of LaSalle, showcasing our three cultures of English, French and Indigenous.
The individual components will offer a mix of uses for both indoor and outdoor programming. The parkland will be a walkable, active and passive recreational environment that links the buildings with the landscape. It will also be a sustainable and technology-infused environment welcoming users of all ages and abilities.

Where does Small Coast Come From?
Petite Côte, translated from French to English means “Little Coast”. This was is the original name of the region that would become the Town of LaSalle. It was named Petite Côte after the land was claimed by France in 1749. In the French tradition, the land was divided into narrow strip farms that reached the Detroit River. The land lacked dense forest, which made it ideal for farming. Petite Côte is one of the oldest farming communities in Ontario.

Phased Project
This $50M project was submitted under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community Culture and Recreation Stream Multi-Purpose Category grant. Unfortunately, the Town was not selected as an approved project. As a result, the Town will now turn its attention to determining how to move forward with the project in a phased manner.
Phase 1 of the project included the acquisition of the lands needed to complete the vision. Seven additional properties have been secured and together, with the existing holdings, will provide for a waterfront park of approximately 65 Acres.

The Small Coast project will include lands from Adams Lane northerly to Ulster Street. This includes the existing Front Road Park, the existing Gil Maure Park, the existing Riverdance property, the former Westport Marina site, and seven additional properties acquired by the Town.